RE: Conference Program Design

RE: is an outstanding organization. It offers genuine support for foster & adoptive parents nationwide.

I’ve had the privilege to work on their digital and print materials for the past four years.

Skills Used

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe InDesign

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Lightroom

  • Wayfinding

  • Branding

  • Typography

  • Illustration

  • Photography

  • Graphic design

Collaborating with RE: Conference has been a total delight, particularly in crafting their conference digital and print materials. A highlight was the creation of a 40+ page program listed here, embodying the event's theme "It's Going to Be Ok" with a serene design. Tranquil settings and streamlined content in the visuals provided attendees a calming respite. The outcome was superb, and I'm elated to have contributed to this life changing event.


Always Faithful Branding